Welcome to our page for event organizers!
Just Motivate Me – for fitness is the book we would love to share with you at your event.
This book is non-fiction and in the self-help genre and was created to help regular people to build their personal motivation for making fitness an enduring part of a healthy lifestyle.
The book stands on its own, in its unorthodox deviation from studies, and science, to focus on the everyday pain points that plague people in pursuing and maintaining fitness.
Readers will find a book that is not overwhelming in length, packed with stories and also filled with challenges and techniques that are very relatable to those who struggle with fitness motivation.
We hope that you will be interested in working with us to make our book and our philosophy a part of your event and to create an experience for event attendees that will be attractive to register for, and memorable to join.
Russell Cotter
Author of “Just Motivate Me – for fitness”