
G'day, I'm Russell Cotter

Not a fitness expert.

Just a regular guy who figures (sh)it out.

Photo of Russell Cotter

Russell Cotter was born in Sydney, Australia and has led a life of experiences that have given him unique perspectives on people, places and mindsets around the world.

His many interests include art, rock and pop music (60s to 90s), neuroscience, psychology, experience design, technology design, cooking, muscle cars, enterprise architecture, graphic design, audio and video production, rock climbing, abseiling, teaching, cooking, world travel, martial arts, writing and professional services consulting. 

You’d think that with such a wide range of interests, he’d interact with loads of people. Sadly, this is not true. People want social media, binge watching the TV, sports and food. Nothing wrong with that, just not everyone’s cup of tea (or soda).

His greatest wish for the world: Politicans need to pull their heads out of their asses and serve the people.

People need to pull THEIR head’s out of their asses and work on becoming more open minded and learning how to be happy.
